Owning A Vapor Galleria Store Franchise
Vapor Galleria Store Franchises offers you the opportunity to own your own business, but still have backing by our corporate office. Unlike other vaping franchises, our turnkey system offers only premium products and e-liquids that are manufactured in our pristine labs right here in the USA.
If you are seeking a new business venture, a business for sale, an opportunity to expand your existing e cigarette supply business, or simply seeking to gain your independence by building a financial asset for your family, you owe it yourself to consider this niche opportunity.
Cramer: Vaping is decimating the cigarette industry—and it could get even worse
Jim Cramer addresses the recent pain in cigarette manufacturers' stocks and shares his outlook on the tobacco business.
More About Vapor Galleria Franchises:
More About Vapor Galleria Franchises:

Vapor Galleria Franchise - Interview with a CEO, Gerald (Ed) Williams

Gerald (Ed) Williams is the CEO of three companies and managing partner of Vapor Systems L.L.C. He has spent much of his adult life managing, owning and developing franchises. He was responsible for the development and design of the Vapor Galleria concept. The first half of his professional career was in the restaurant and hospitality industry. He began his career with Wendy’s Hamburgers when it was just starting to take off. He held the position as a regional manager at the age of 22. He later went on to become a franchisee of the company.
Vapor Galleria Franchisees -Craig and Lori Barrow

- Low Start Up Cost
- Easy Build-out
- Simple to run
- Only 4-5 Employees
- Quick to break even
- 3rd year in business
- Makes money!
…One of the main reasons we chose the Vapor Galleria franchise was because of the amount of market research the company did prior to launching the franchise. Vapor Galleria opened and tested the brick & mortar concept by opening three corporate stores back in 2013 that are thriving today and we felt confident that this concept was based on a proven model…
We liked the fact that Vapor Galleria provided all the necessary resources including training, operations, marketing, and technical support to help us set up our store, launch our successful grand opening and, make our store a fast growing and sustainable business…anytime I or any of my employees have a question, we can simply pick up the phone and get support…
…There are so many different types of franchises available and for a high-end retail brick & mortar franchise, we found Vapor Galleria to have one of the lowest start-up costs out there! Plus, the build out was so simple compared to some of the other franchise businesses we considered…
…We own and operate several other businesses so when we decided to take on another one, we chose Vapor Galleria because it’s so simple run and only requires 4-5 employees…
…There’s fabulous sales potential with Vapor Galleria. Most of our clients re-visit the store 3-4 times per month to try out exciting new flavors, check out the latest gear, and our most popular Flavor of the week!...
Vapor Galleria Franchisees - Gary and Pam McBurney

Gary and I stumbled on the idea of opening our own Vapor Store.
We were both smokers and hated ourselves for our addiction to cigarettes. We tried many avenues to stop and it was vaping that helped us overcome the addiction. We thought if we could do this after years of smoking, we could help others do it too. -
What lead us to the Vapor Galleria were the vape flavors and the selection. We did entertain the idea of going with other vape franchises but after meeting Ed and the team in Texas, we made our choice.
In the beginning we were looking to add to our nest egg for retirement. We hired a manager to take care of the shop and Gary and I would continue to work our daytime jobs. Gary was a Global IT manager and me as a Technical Business analyst. We both ended up leaving our jobs to work the shop full time. -
Our first mission was to help people to stop smoking and use vaping as an alternative. Then we discovered that CBD also helped with addiction to cigarette smoking. As we educated ourselves on the benefits of CBD we realized how it helped with so many more ailments. Now, our second mission became educating people on the benefits of CBD. If you believe in the products this is an easy sell.
Gary and I began attending a lot of venues this year to promote the Vapor Galleria name. The venues allowed us to sell our product which has increased our sales. Our daughter Melissa has been a great asset to us also. She attends the venues with us and does an amazing job on our social media.
Thanks to the support of the Vapor Galleria corporate office, we exceeded their expectations in the two plus years since we opened.